The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
Current Information for New Jersey
Federal Incentives -
The following information has been pulled from the NJ IRA Webpage. Currently the state of NJ is listed as being in the application process or "next steps" phase. As we receive more information on when the rebates will be rolled out, we will update this page.
(Link to NJ IRA page below)
Inflation Reduction Act: Stackable Clean Energy Opportunities
The recently passed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) offers numerous incentives and opportunities for funding for a variety of clean energy and energy efficiency initiatives, ranging from tax credits for electric vehicles to grants for home electrification retrofits. These funding options are stackable with incentives and programs offered by the New Jersey Clean Energy Program.
Residential Buildings
Home Energy Performance-Based, Whole-House Rebates (HOMES)
Under this program, grants are provided to state energy offices for the purposes of developing a whole-house energy saving retrofits rebate program. Rebates vary based on income-level, home type, and energy savings.
Eligible Recipients of state rebates:
Eligible uses:
Purchasing eligible equipment that significantly reduces energy consumption in a home or multi-family building
Rebate levels:
Income is 80% Area Median Income or higher = 50% of cost
Income is 80% Area Median Income or lower = 80% of cost
See the chart below for further details
High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate (HEEHR)
Program that supplies state energy offices grants to implement a program designed to offer rebates to residents for high-efficiency electric home upgrades. Rebates are dependent on income level and equipment price
Eligible Uses
Purchase of eligible high-efficiency electric home appliances
Rebate amounts:
Single Family Home – 80%-150% of Area Median Income = 50% of project costs
Single Family Home – Less than 80% of Area Median Income = 100% of project costs
Multifamily Building – 80%-150% of Area Median Income = $2,000/unit ($200,000 max)
Multifamily Building – Less than 80% of Area Median Income = Lesser of $4,000/unit or 80% of project costs
See the chart below for further details

IRA - Available Tax Credits 2023-2032 Tax Credit Years
Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit
Provides a tax credit for energy-efficiency improvements of residential homes
Credit amounts to 30% of cost, with limits for type of improvement and yearly total
Credit capped at $1,200 annually
$2,000 annually for heat pumps
Eligible Recipients:
Renters (for certain improvements)
See the chart below for further details

Residential Clean Energy Credit
Provides a tax credit for the purchase of residential clean energy equipment, including battery storage with capacity of at least 3 kWh
Base Credit Amount:
30% of cost of equipment through 2032 (rates begin to decrease during the phase-down periods of 2033 and 2034)
Eligible Recipients:
New Energy Efficient Homes Credit
Provides a tax credit for construction of new energy efficient homes
Credit Amounts
$2500 for new homes meeting Energy Star standards
$5000 for certified zero-energy ready homes
Multifamily Homes
$500 base amount per unit for Energy Star
$1000/unit for zero-energy ready
Bonus credit available for MFH – 5x the base amount if prevailing wage requirements are met.
Eligible Recipients:
Commercial and Industrial Buildings
179D Commercial Buildings Energy-Efficiency Tax Deduction
Provides a tax deduction for energy efficiency improvements to commercial buildings, including improvements to:
Interior lighting
Heating, cooling, ventilation, and hot water
Building envelope.
Credit Amounts
Base credit based on square footage and dependent on efficiency increases
Bonus credit available
Based on projects meeting prevailing wage and registered apprenticeship requirements
Eligible Recipients:
Owners and long-term lessees of commercial buildings.
Designers of energy efficient building property (architects, engineers).
Tax-exempt owners of commercial properties, pending Treasury guidance on deduction allocation
Green and Resilient Retrofit Program – Grants and Loans
Grants and loans to HUD-assisted properties to improve energy or water efficiency; enhance indoor air quality or sustainability; implement the use of zero-emission electricity generation, low-emission buildings materials or processes, energy storage, or building electrification strategies; or make the properties more resilient to climate impacts.
Eligible Recipients: (see IRA Guidebook)
Eligible Uses:
to fund projects at an eligible property that
improve energy or water efficiency
enhance indoor air quality or sustainability
implement the use of zero-emission electricity generation
low-emission building materials or processes
energy storage
or building electrification strategies;
or address climate resilience
Green and Resilient Retrofit Program – Benchmarking
To conduct energy and water benchmarking of HUD-assisted properties, provide associated data analysis and evaluation at the property and portfolio level, and develop information technology systems necessary for the collection, evaluation, and analysis of such data
Funding mechanism: Federally-funded third party contract support
Eligible Recipients: (See IRA Guidebook)
Eligible Uses:
Energy and water benchmarking, along with associated data analysis and evaluation at the property and portfolio level, and
The development of information technology systems necessary for the collection, evaluation, and analysis of such data.
Clean Vehicle Credit
Tax credit for purchasers of clean vehicles
Not available for those with the following adjusted gross income or above:
$300,000 – couples
$225,000 – heads of household
$150,000 – singles
Bonus credit amount = $3,750 credit for vehicles meeting critical minerals requirement; $3,750 for meeting certain requirements for battery manufacturing
Credit for Previously-Owned Clean Vehicles
Tax credit for purchasers of pre-owned clean vehicles
Base credit: The lesser of $4,000 or 30% of the sale price
No available for those with the following adjusted gross income or above:
$150,000 (couples)
$112,500 (heads of household)
$75,000 (singles)
Individuals can claim only once every three years
Vehicles must be sold by a dealer
Sale price must be $25,000 or less
Can only be claimed once per vehicle
Credit for Qualified Commercial Clean Vehicles
Tax credit for purchasers of qualified commercial clean vehicles
Available for vehicles placed in service after 1/1/23 and acquired before 1/1/33
Eligible recipients: Businesses that acquire motor vehicles or mobile machinery for use or lease; tax-exempt entities that acquire them for use
Base credit amount: Lesser of
15% of the vehicle’s basis or 30% for vehicles without internal combustion engines; OR
The amount the purchase price exceeds the price of a comparable internal combustion vehicle
Credit is capped at $7,500 for vehicles <14,000 lbs and $40,000 for all other clean vehicles